Ann Brit Christoffersen


Brit Christoffersen is a visual artist who works with landscapes, gives painting and drawing classes, and writes an art blog. She has been painting for nearly 30 years now.

After a number of years working as a lawyer, Ann Brit realized she would never be content unless she followed her initial dream of becoming an artist and thanks to the reception and the people she met at Edinburgh College of Art summer school in 2005 she quickly knew she was on her true path. She returned to the summer school 3 more times and took painting and drawing classes back in Norway before getting a BA in Arts and Craft at the University of Agder in 2017.

Since then, Ann Brit has worked full time as an artist. She usually meditates before starting to paint. Lately she has begun to paint the first and second layers with her fingers; it is as if she needs this close contact with the medium to feel the image evolving under her fingers. Nature inspires her, and most of her images are about our inner landscapes.