Bożena Jastrzębska

“Main inspiration for my artworks is nature, landscapes and their seasonal changes. I especially like flowers with vivid colours and unusual shapes. When I first look at the blank canvas, I see colours, then I slowly shape them, and painting starts to live. As it changes, the paint application techniques change as well. Apart from brushes, spatulas, and sponges, I also experiment with slightly less traditional tools. To achieve the desired texture, I might use spoons, wooden sticks, or scrubbing brushes. I mainly paint with acrylics, but also occasionally with watercolours.

Exhibition History

1.Monat Gallery ,International art fair:Brussels

Art FAIR 2022-25th to 27th November 2022

2.Monat Gallery SL, Madryt-MERAKI 17.04 23-

03. 05 .23

3.Azur Gallery-Madryt ,PANTONE , 20.04.23-
