Jordana Ozier Lafontaine

Artist Biography:

Jordana Ozier Lafontaine is a multicultural visual artist who finds her inspiration in immediacy and the overlooked. Emotion is the driving force in her work and a catalyst for her poignant and poetic visuals. Over the years, she has mostly developed her art on her own, being an autodidact. She is particularly known for her ability to freeze poetry into the ordinary and to put everyone at ease. Her creativity and overflowing imagination produce the unexpected, the weird, the unique. Having always been a foreigner and, in some way, an outsider, she has always had to look below the surface. Through her lens, she aspires to capture the overlooked, beyond what the eye can see.

When people are her subject and inspiration, being someone who has always had to put herself out there and having had to learn to be comfortable while being uncomfortable; she strives to bring out the authenticity of her subjects while putting them or making them feel out of place or different. To be able to achieve this connection and trust between her subject and her, her own personal experience takes the lead.

Jordana Ozier Lafontaine has collaborated with prestigious clients by participating in publicized projects and campaigns. Editorial and documentary photography represent the bulk of her work. However, her favorite fields are abstract photography, travel, and photojournalism.

When it comes to Jordana Ozier Lafontaine and her camera, it's the moment, the connection, the heart.

Exhibition History:

  • Foley Gallery, New York, 2021 - Funny Faces

  • Mots & Maux des Femmes, Martinique, 2022 - Killing Me Softly

  • ACT VI Galeria Azur Miami 2023 - Bird of Paradise