Maria Rebeca Capriles-Heller 

Maria Rebeca Capriles-Heller  was born in Caracas (Venezuela).

Since early years, she was very good at drawing portraits. At the age of nineteen, she started studying architecture at Madrid University in Spain. Although she earned her living as a sales woman, she was always loyal to painting and took part in different paint/drawing courses in London. In 2008 she started to paint with oil under Sabine Fleischmann as well as in acrylic under the direction of Gaby Dotter.

At present she takes classes at the Kunst Academy in Esslingen, Germany. Due to the great amount of artwork painted, many people asked her why she had not exhibited them. Unfortunately, Covid made this opportunity also impossible.

Therefore it was a great chance for her to exhibit in September 2022 at FOCUS ART FAIR in Carrousel du Louvre. She chose the title of her website as it is in her whole life: Art moves me.

In fact, through her sensibility, she paints anything she sees. And what it moves her to paint, is to visit other places and watch all different cultures or observe other painters how they paint. All that moves her to draw and paint her artworks.